Welcome to our Website

Here in the VCHS Software Development Club, we aim to empower students everywhere with the knowledge and skills they need to build real software and what it takes to be an engineer.

AstroWind Hero Image


Here's what we will do in this club

Adaptive lectures

We provide lectures that are adapted to the general skill level of our members, so that everyone can learn something new.

Interactive exercises

We believe one of the best ways to learn is to learn by doing. We often incorporate exercises into our lectures to help reinforce the concepts.

Interactive workshops

We also host workshops where we work on projects together, so that our members can get hands-on experience while we provide mentoring resources.

Semester 2 project-building season

In the second half of the year, we challenge students to take the skills that they have learned and apply them to a project of their own.

Extensive mentoring resources

Besides in-meeting workshops, you can always drop us an email and we would be happy to help

Best of all... it's free!

You can access all of our resources at no cost whatsoever, even if you are not currently attending Valley Christian High School.

Join us

Our locations

In person

G126 (Mr. Mac's room) on Mondays Warrior Time (10:45-11:25 am PST)


Zoom link

Meeting ID: 756 1138 4592

Passcode: 8BNwni